Stories KATERINA, 38 years old

KATERINA, 38 years old
Thursday, 14. December 2023

"My change started at a class reunion when my classmate thought that I was expecting a second baby. I was really desperate, but my friend recommended MAHONY DIET to me, and with the amazing support of the MAHONY DIET team, I managed to lose a total of 15 kg.”

It all started at a school reunion, when instead of greeting me, one of my former classmates said to me: "Hey, Katya, are you expecting another baby?" I shyly told her no. I left the class reunion completely fired up. After arriving home, I was looking at the photos from the vacation in Egypt and it all dawned on me. I knew that I gained weight, but since I don't weigh myself, I didn't know that I gained 15 kg!!! The very next day, I shared my problem with a friend and she was the one who recommended the MAHONY® DIET. I bought the products, studied the weight reduction method on the website and got to work. In the first phase, when I consumed only MAHONY® DIET preparations, the results came really quickly! In the last phase, the weight went down more slowly, but thanks to the exercises that I added to the diet, I finally managed to attain my goal weight reduction of 15 kg. Now I'm really happy and I'm looking forward to the holidays with all of my favorite clothes that I had to put away from not being able to fit in them! Thanks to the MAHONY® DIET team for their support.